Check local radio stations for weather report and school closings/bus cancellations in the morning by 6:15 AM. You may also refer to the WRDSB website: or the busing website

Schools are seldom closed in the middle of the day. If schools close in the middle of the day or if bus routes start early, then parents will receive a personal call from the school to provide direction for the dismissal of their children.

Please keep emergency contact information up to date at the school, including daycare providers.

Parents are encouraged to use their discretion in considering whether it is safe for their child to attend school on a stormy day. (Please call the Attendance Check 519-570-8137 ex, 3846 when your child is absent). If your child is a bus student and the bus is cancelled, parents do not need to call the Attendance Check.

Please note that if buses are not running and you choose to bring your child to school you will also be required to make arrangements for them to travel home at the end of the day.Â