March 24 – Tait Street Closed Due to Weather

Out of Milk Tickets?

We will fill milk orders at any time. Just send in your Milk Order Form to the office.

April Pizza Orders Due March 30

April order forms went home April 21. They are due by March 30. Spare forms are in the office.

Budget Consultation Survey closes tomorrow

Calling all students, parents and community members! Have a say in our budget process! Which funding priorities do you think the Board should consider for the 2016-17 school year, and beyond? Respond to the short 2016-17 Budget Consultation Survey to help us identify which areas are important to our WRDSB community. Please keep in mind: the WRDSB […]

School Council Cancelled for tonight

Due to a number of members being unavailable for this month’s meeting, we will reschedule. Thanks.   James Bond

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