Parent Council Meeting November 11

All parents are welcome to attend Tait’s parent council meetings. Meetings take place in the school library at 7pm the 2nd Tuesday of each month.  This month’s meeting is November the 11th. Hope to see you there!

Picture Re-take Day November 5th

Wednesday November 5th is photo re-take day at Tait if you plan to have your child’s picture taken again.

Daylight Savings Time Ends

A reminder to all families that we gain an hour this weekend! Don’t forget to set your clocks back one hour late Saturday night, and enjoy a bit more snooze time on Sunday morning. We’ll see everyone at the regular time Monday morning!

Progress Reports

Progress Reports will be sent home Monday, November 3rd, 2014. Parent-Teacher interviews will be scheduled for the evening of Thursday, November 6th and the morning of Friday November 7th. Based on the very positive feedback we have received in the past, Tait St. will once again be using an online booking system to schedule appointments for […]

Trauma Informed Parenting Workshop

An educational workshop is being offered for parents and caregivers of children and youth who have experienced trauma. This workshop is offered through Carizon Family and Community Services, Lutherwood and Front Door. Please see attached flyer for more information. Trauma Informed Parenting Workshop Flyer Sept 2014

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