Back to School Kit for Tait Students

BACK TO SCHOOL KIT FOR TAIT STUDENTS   Getting Ready for September Sometimes starting back to school in September can put quite a strain on an already tight family budget.  Each year parents wonder what purchases need to be made for their children’s return to school.  Please note that it is not necessary to spend […]

School Hours

Tait Bell Times 2014-15

Transportation Details for 2014-2015 School Year

  STSWR Transportation Details for the 2014-2015 School Year  Your transportation details will be available on August 21, 2014. Parents and students will be able to login and view their transportation details for the next school year. Please Note: any address changes need to be done through your school. If you are moving this summer […]

Learning to Count

Learning  to Count       When children are learning to count, they like to  touch, point to and move objects as they say the number aloud – so encourage  them to! Have your child count toys, kitchen utensils, items of clothing as  they come out of the dryer, collections (such as stickers, buttons or rocks)  and […]

Student Safety and Parking Lot

Thank you to all of those parents who are walking their children to school or driving and parking on the side streets. Parking at Tait Street School is very limited. We barely have enough parking spaces for our staff. If you are visiting or volunteering at the school, please park on neighbouring streets, paying attention […]

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